Title 5 State and Town Code Dictates The Requirements For A Septic inspections In Bourne, MA
State Title 5 Regulations
In Bourne, MA the Title 5 of the Massachusetts Environmental Code, as administered by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) governs septic systems in Massachusetts. These regulations dictate the design, construction, operation and inspection of septic systems. The town of Bourn, Massachusetts requires that septic systems adhere to these state-mandated regulations to pass Title 5 inspection.
Bourne, MA Town Septic Regulations
The Bourne Health Department has added to the Title 5 inspection regulations in their town. Here is a list of the regulations that were added.
- The Board reserves the right to witness any Title transfer inspection prior to the issuance of the Title transfer report.
- As per existing policy, leaching systems will continue to be reviewed by the inspectors under the same criteria as would be used for leach pits, i.e. 6 inches of leaching capacity or half days flow present in order to pass the inspection. The 6 inches of leaching capacity must be evidence by clean sidewall and no presence of sludge or staining. Block, stone, or brick risers on pits will not be included as part of sidewall leaching area, nor will any riser material be considered as part of the sidewall leaching area or the capacity of a leaching system.
- All systems are required to have a minimum of a four foot vertical separation between the bottom of the soil absorption system and the high groundwater elevation in order to pass inspection in the Town of Bourne. Inspectors must clearly demonstrate how they employed the methods described in 310 CMR 15.000 to make the determination of high groundwater elevation. Additional paperwork including the USGS Adjustment calculations and monitoring well data may be required. Inspectors must notify the Health Agent within one business day to discuss systems which may not meet this vertical separation to discuss on a case-by-case basis. In some instances, properties which received variances and / or local upgrade approvals by the Board may be grandfathered. Requests for grandfathering per this regulation must be submitted in writing for review and approval.
- Upgrades may be required for septic systems which were not constructed in accordance with the approved plans, or if the soil absorption system is not designed to meet the design flow of the facility it serves. These systems may be considered failed systems until rectified.
- Cesspools meaning any pit with open-jointed linings or holes in the bottom and/or sidewalls into which raw sewage is discharged, the liquid portion of the sewage being disposed of by seeping or leaching into the surrounding soils, and the solids or sludge being retained in the pit, are considered failed systems automatically. Cesspools are nonconforming systems.
Remember to always use an independent inspection service that does not install new systems when having a Title V septic inspection.
Criteria The Title 5 Septic Inspector Will Be Looking For
There are many things your septic inspector will be looking for when inspection your septic system. The following are the most important criteria that can be the difference from your system passing, failing or just needing a repair.
- Is there backup of sewage into facility or system component due to overloaded or
clogged leaching system? - Is there discharge or ponding of effluent to the surface of the ground or surface waters
due to an overloaded or clogged leaching system? - Are static liquid level in the distribution box above outlet invert due to an overloaded
or clogged leaching system? - Did the system required pumping more than 4 times in the last year NOT due to clogged or obstructed pipe(s)?
- Is any portion of the leaching system below high ground water elevation?
- Is the septic tank metal and over 20 years old* or the septic tank (whether metal or not) structurally unsound?
- Does the system have a septic tank and soil absorption system (SAS) and the SAS is within 100 feet of a surface water supply or tributary to a surface water supply?
- Does the system have a septic tank and SAS within 100 feet of a private water supply well?
- Do you need to replace any components?
- Are the pump Chamber pumps/alarms operational?
Frequently Asked Questions:
How long is my Title 5 septic inspection report good for?
- Inspection reports are good for at least two years. If you have the septic tank pumps in both years following a Title 5 inspection the report is good for a third year.
When do you need a Title 5 Septic inspection In Bourne, MA?
- Any transfer of property if the septic system is 2 or more years old. Unless the property is being transferred to a direct family member.
- Prior to changing the building footprint of an existing structure
What can I expect during a Title 5 Septic inspection in Bourne?
- First our licensed Title 5 inspector will contact the local Board of Health to obtain the necessary documents (permits, as-built plans, etc.) to complete the inspection
- If plans are incomplete or not available, the inspector is equipped with state of the art locating equipment and fiber optic pipe cameras. This technology allows the inspector to effectively and efficiently locate components without as-built plans
- The inspector will locate all system components, groundwater information and drinking water setbacks (well, reservoirs, etc.)
- If it is necessary to dig in the yard in order to access the components, the inspector will always use tarps and cut sod if possible. The inspectors at Title 5 specialists do their best to leave the yard as undisturbed as possible
- Inspectors will measure the level of solids in the tank. It is not required to pump the tank at the time of the inspection.
When will I get my Inspection Report?
- The inspector will provide verbal results on site immediately following the inspection
- Your final Title 5 inspection report with be delivered via email with 24 hours of the on-site inspection
What are the chances of passing a Title 5 Inspection septic inspection in Bourne?
- About 10% of inspections performed fail.
- Approximately 15% of inspections require small repairs that can be performed shortly after inspection.
- Over 75% of inspections pass.
If my system fails the Title 5 inspection in Bourne, do I need to repair it?
- State code requires a Title 5 inspection to sell a property, but does not require the system to be upgraded for 2 years. If you are able to negotiate with a potential buyer, the system can be upgraded after the sale of the property.
- It is always recommended to speak with the Bourne Health Department whenever you are dealing with upgrading your septic system
Do I need to have my septic tank pumped for a Title 5 septic Inspection In Bourne?
- Pumping of the tank is not required before or during a septic inspection.
- The inspector will advise you if a pumping is recommended.
Does Bourne septic inspections allow cesspools?
- Bourne no longer allows cesspools in their town. They are connsidered an automatic failure